I'm bored and can't sleep and seeing as though I doubt anyone (when I say anyone I mean anyone I know personally) will ever read/find this it could be fun...
It's a classic night here... I can't sleep and I've already watched two episodes of Mad Men on Netflix. That's a lot of Mad Men in one night... I mean Don Draper can get boring/annoying with his #mylifesux #theworldhatesme attitude (even though he is crazy sexy). Also I totally went over my personally set, but never followed, allotted Facebook time. I don't want people to think I have no life. Got to keep the stalking time to a minimum.
Twitter wasn't doing anything for me tonight, since I continually checked it throughout the day. Nothing new there. So, I decided to switch to a blog. I need a change. Something new. Actually I just really need a cat. But I know that's not happening. My roommate hates cats, although I feel she hasn't given them a fair chance. No one hates a true jazz cat.

I think you get the point slash I'm secretly getting tired (finally). Well this is a beginning to something I'm sure I will regret.... Probably in a couple hours... oh well. #goodnight
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